kelly rippon

kelly ripponCHEP

Location: dickson city pa

About me


I agree Sherri, I also include social media in my Bus Comm class. I ask the student to open a Twitter account for the "business" and complete 100 Tweets by the end of the course. This reinforces clear, concise writing by messaging in 140 characters or less! 

I agree a portfolio is a great way to prepare and review. Demonstration of the portfolio content can assess the readiness and strengthen the preparedness of the student. I also believe the mock interview and practice with the motivational style interview help the student improve communication and rapport building in the workplace.

Discussion Comment

@vcasto : I agree I found the games within the review sections helpful too. I would strongly reccomend this course as well.

I got a lot out of this program. I think it would benefit all instructors especially new faculty to take this program upon hiring!

Great suggestions - I also provide outlines 2 weeks at a time to combat the absent students. For me this year my greatest enemy was the weather and SNOW DAYS! 

I use an exercise that enhances my coping ability. I place myself in the longest line at the banck, grocery store, etc and create useful ways to utilize the wait time.
One important element in communicating information is awareness of body language and how important it can be to empower, include and elevate the person you are talking with. Sometimes it may be the way (tone, volume, pitch) of the communication the inclusion or exclusion of eye contact and posture that can add or deminish your message. Any thoughts?

@ellythomas : 

This is an issue that has challenged me as well. I have worked with educators about classroom disruptions and maintaining order in seminar with my private practice. I can share some information.

 Just like the stand-up comedian faces hecklers a teacher must from time to time be faced with outbursts, temper-tantrums, disrespect and cries for attention from disruptive students.

I try and make a preventative strike by listing a behavior / conduct code at the first night of class. I explain that I am not just a teacher, I am a trained facilitator. As a facilitator I hold… >>>

Sometimes behavior from managers or staff can fall into a category of "bad form" verses "unethical". I think by reinforcing this grey area a higher level of conduct is established.
I love the term "over-communicating" In a way it is when a person is stuck in the disseminating information mode and reluctant to step back into the observer's shoes. After reading about this I thought about its relevance to the subject of critical thinking and applied problem solving. Sometimes there is not a problem just too much unsorted information!

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