Justin Harrison

Justin Harrison

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I'm interested in learning more about 360 feedback tools that we have available at our institution. I would like to gather feedback from my team and try to adapt to their perceptions of my leadership. 


This is a great reminder of the importance of high-quality listening. Having a "commitment" to a conversation is so important. I often find that my heart is not into listening, and as a leader who hopes to be a good leader, I need to commit to that moment. I need to be open and to do my best to care about what the person I am talking to cares about. It's so hard to do that sometimes, but most humans can feel when others aren't interested or are not paying close attention to what is said. Again, just a great… >>>

As I think about my own legacy, I tend to focus on collaboration and continual improvement. I try to bring people together with a shared purpose, and over time, I have focused more on developing the people I lead rather than focusing so much on "results" or outcomes. This learning experience was enjoyable because it's always good to reflect on our personal missions and ideas about who we want to be and how we want to lead. It's always good to review these things and think about how they develop over time.


I reflected on the context and situation and how it is necessary to really pay attention to context and adapt the leadership style/behavior to fit the context. It's easy to fall into the same types of behaviors and practices and apply those to all situations. 


I learned that I need to flex my style a bit more depending on the situation. I try to avoid coercion at all costs, but in some instances it is necessary. In other instances, I should probably be less democratic than I normally am, especially when people are looking for someone to take the lead and guide everyone to a better place. I also liked the thoughts of Warren Bennis. Without a sense of purpose or connection to something that is positive and larger than us, work can turn into drudgery and merely following a bunch of policies and rules… >>>

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