Jessica Silcox

Jessica Silcox

About me


I agree in that it is best to reach all new students as soon as possible and address any questions they may have. I find it effective to also seek out potential "issues" the students might have which would prevent them from succeeding in the program. I recently had a student absent for 2 days and found out it was due to transportation. To the student, the world was ending. On my end, i referred the student to Student Affairs and they were able to obtain a bus pass. Easy fix and the student was retained.

Blog Comment

Having recently been promoted to a leadership position, I agree with the statement "leadership is not something you are born with". I beleive i was born with traits of a leader and the rest has been acquired over time. Through mentorship and training you become a leader.

I agree in that it is the Instructor at times that can reach out and help the student reach their potential and help them realize their potential.

That's what I do as well. When I find information that I don't feel is current, I find what it is in current day terms and segway into that.  This way, it's relateable for all age ranges in the class. We have to remember the age range of students in the classroom. What seem out dated for one, is current for another.

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