John Nolan

John Nolan

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Due to the nature of my work, I have the need to implement both, leadership and management. I am aware that there is always room for improvement. One of the areas I need to work on is the delegation of tasks. Sometimes, I end up doing things that I shouldn't because I don't delegate enough. 

Leadership does not come with the position . It must be earned by setting the example. You must also acquire new skills and polish the ones you already have to become a good leader.

While several individuals may think they have what it takes to be a good manager, statistics demonstrate that not everyone possesses the skills that are required to be the leader of a team. A team can only be as good as its leader is, and if you, as the leader, are failing, what authority do you have to demand a better performance from them? This is why you must lead by example. That's how you gain the respect from your team. This is what I do on a daily basis: I show empathy, I treat others with respect, I carry… >>>

I learned that it is not correct to transfer F2F content to an Online environment and expect it to become effective. There are many different ways to organize the layout to make it more attractive and especially focused on the learning objectives to get students engaged in the learning process.

I learned that there are several techniques for online teaching that are very important in many aspects, such as fostering community, enhancing the learning process, avoiding misunderstandings with students, etc.

I learned that communication with your students is critical to obtain positive student feedback. Also, I like the fact that other students can respond a peer's question and receive extra credit if the response is complete and correct.

I have learned that there is a wide array of technology tools that we can use in order to enhance the learning process for online students. However, we must be responsible and professional enough to do our due diligence and investigate the appropriate tools that fit our teaching style and match the expected learning outcomes.

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