John Bart

John Bart

About me


Understanding one's personality traits helps in trying to manage and motive a student. Knowing what excites them.

Personality traits are interesting dynamics. Understanding what makes a student tick helps in how to deliver the course content.

Student involement inrubric development is a new concept for me. I will try it out. 

Utilize the resources available in the development of rubric. They must be reliable and valid. Use as a learning tool for the students.

Student centered peer and self assessment tools help provide the students with benchmarks beofre submitting the final product to the instructor. 

Yes rubrics can be time consuming in developing but can save grading time later. THey can be refined from term to term. They also set expectations.

Rubrics provide a measuring tool for the students but it may limit the students creativity. Value added measures improvement. Rubrics help me when graading assignments.

I prefer objective forms of assessment. It provides the students with instant feedback. Subjective type questions can be used for discussion pirposes too.

This section made me aware of several options available to gauge student progress and understanding of the material. 

In determining the assessment tools, look at the objectives. Instant feedback is also very important.

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