Jennifer Leach

Jennifer LeachCHEP

Location: allentown, pa
No additional information available.


Interesting course, very good for new instructors. 

Interesting course, gave me some good ideas to proceed with. 

Just finished ML113, my hope for this course was to gain some new insights for managing a team. I believe I gained a few new insights, but I would have liked to see more scenarios. The terminology was there and definitions were clear, however that doesn’t help me problem-solve with my team. For example the course had steps to resolve conflict, that’s great. Now give me different examples and how to respond to those examples. The quizzes had little scenarios, I would have liked to see that more throughout the course.  

I very much enjoyed this course. ED311 is filled with ideas to use in the classroom and the ideas can be adapted to the material you are teaching.  Finally, a course that gives ideas and just doesn’t talk about how we need to change the way we teach.

This course was somewhat interesting. I always like finding new ways to motivate my students, however  I do feel the course could have more content on how to actually motivate students. A lot of seminars and workshops I have been to share the definitions behind motivation, but don’t actually share ideas of what we can actually do in the classroom that will benefit our students. I understand we need to make our students feel secure and autonomous but what are some examples to do this, what do other teachers do that works. I need the examples not the definitions.

ED110 was an interesting course. It does help to prioritze your stressors and decide which ones you can elminate or reduce. Stress is always going to be in our lives we just need to figure out what works best for us to reduce it.

Discussion Comment

Interesting course. I feel new instructors could benefit from this course.

Interesting course. I feel new instructors could benefit from this course.

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