Marcus Hernandez

Marcus Hernandez

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I use moodle at the school I work at as a lms. I also use Camtasia to make instruction videos for my mechanical Drawing class that the students can review on moodle anytime.

Technology has helped me so much as new teacher in not working myself to death.

Lots of helpful technology out there to help with the classroom now a days. Also so many ways to stay connected with the different media platforms. Makes you really think about how the classroom have evolved and changed.

Technology in classroom is becoming the new "normal" classroom. It's like pen and paper are chisel and stone.

Assessment is necessary to see the start of a class and where the students came from and knowledge they have. 

We have students that speak English as a second language and they seem to do ok as long as there is another student who is bilingual. 

I always look at a student as just that. "A Student". I always try to stay blind to race gender disability whatever, that's not important to me. What is important is how well can this this student be taught.

I teach welding and it's always stereotypes about women not making good welders and that not true. One of my best students was female and had never welded before.

We have to know the student we are teaching. Also how they value there education and the way they are receiving it. Life experience in what I teach will help the student to see relevance in the subject.

Tec is hear and only getting more and more popular with the new generation. We have to take advantage of this and adapt to it to be successful. It will make our lives easier with a little work.

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