Francis Carvalho

Francis Carvalho

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I was not aware of the K-12 IEP's but pretty familiar with 504 accommodations.  This information was very helpful

I've taught TBI for years and had never seen the compare/contrast with PTSD.  Super informative!!  Thank you

The evolution of the PTSD diagnosis was interesting.  I'm glad the APA finally included it and revised it.  Hopefully they will add something more directed to children soon since PTSD in children often manifests as behavioral disorders and defiance, learning disabilities, ADD or ADHD, etc...Just stuff I know from my own research.

As an instructor I have had numerous students with PTSD and learning to identify them, empathize with them, and direct them to the available help is essential for their success.  The best book I have found on the topic is: The Body Keeps the Score:  Brain, Mind, and… >>>

Being able to reflect and communicate on WHY this skill is important, or why knowing this or that can help you when you are in front of other people helps students find the motivation to learn it.  I loved the leading questions/statements.  

By engaging veterans and all students individually to reflect on what their goals are and what the benefit is of their course of learning, we can help them find their own motivation.  Also, by creating a context where they can support each other in the classroom is important.  Having an expectation for respectful interactions at all times, the vets can be encouraged to participate and that helps their motivation as well. 

I've had the honor and priviledge of teaching many veterans and no two are alike!!  Some take the transition well.  Some have psychotic breaks at school!  Having a structured policy in place to assist them and having a veteran contact person in administration helps tremendously.  The SVA (student veterans association) is also a great place for them to connect.  Because of their military training, their fund raisers are always well attended and earn the most!  The best day is when they graduate! 

I love how the GI Bill was defined as a readjustment for the military vet to the civilian life and a way to have their own Mission moving forward.  I had never thought of it that way.  I also liked the reminder that while the degree or certification students earn may give them the opportunity to APPLY for a job, the ones who have the SOFT skills, such as communication, positive attitude, organization, teamwork, punctuality, critical thinking and social skills, will get HIRED and be SUCCESSFUL in the new role/job/career.  

I can set expectations in the classroom for Respect, Tolerance,… >>>

I've often been "criticized" for embracing lecture.  Having seen this module, however, has opened my eyes to the fact that I have had active learning activities EVERY DAY that I lecture because I DO incorporate discussions, group reading activities, personalization of the material with short surveys, and in class writing activities that are submitted and even student-led teaching/tutoring of the content.  Thank you for this!!   I have also learned how to do MORE of this.  Coupled with the steps of implementing an active learning activity, I can confidently start planning!! 


I love how they provided examples of critical/analytical thinking exercises:  conducting comparisons, diagnosing, evaluating, classifying, prioritizing, strategic planning, simplifying and paraphrasing.  These are essential activities for a nurse!!  But when all you hear is "critical thinking...critical thinking" you don't know what that means EXACTLY.  Thank you for this!!!


Laughing at yourself if you make a mistake; over prepare for the first few classes.  Stay organized and get in to a rhythm.  Set clear expectations on day 1.  Dress professionally and smile.  

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