Eric Zeigler

Eric Zeigler

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The idea if using the right questioning techniques to gain clarity and information without bias so that you can built rapport with the student.

Understanding questions and how to effective use them help you be a more effective at your job being able to communicate with prospective students and getting the needed information from them to ahieve mutual goals. 

This section explained why people don;t return voice messages and how we can craft our messaging to get more effective informationa nd response rates from our prospects.

This showed several ways we can deal with challenges that our prospects bring up and ways to reduce no-shows by using simple techniques. 

Following the Communication Hierachy allows you to build up rapport and allows you to effectively reach your prospects. 

By examining the traditional approach we can see the benefits and the drawbacks. Be flexible and adpat when needed and always provide the best for your prospective students and you will get far. 

I think once you understand the connection between personal energy and attitude then you can start to implement these techniques to put yourself in a better place attitude and energy wise. Using the right techniques will greatly change your outlook. 

I learned how our energy level is impacted by habits and things we can control and how it can greatly impact our success or failure. 

I found the breakdown of the four subtye sof personal energy to be fascinating. I often feel that my energy is off balance and by understanding these dimensions better I can make positive changes. 

It is important to realize the impact our attitude has on others. We can do great harm to our students and also cause them to not want to come to our school if we are not mindful of our attitude. It is also important to note we determine our attitude. 

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