Eric Zeigler

Eric Zeigler

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The enviornment we create for customers allows us to connect with them and ensure we put a positive face forward in all that we do.
Knowing your team and training your team with the right people allows you to be more successful with customer service.
By understanding touchpoints and the way we intteract with customers will allow us to build our reputation within the community.
Customer service plays a major part in a businesses success. The best way to ensure success is to take steps to improve customer service and use that to promote yourself.

Student retnetion is a team effort and we need to know our guidlines and how we can assist students when they encounter problems that require our aid. This in turn helps with retention. 

Understanding what ways to gather informationa ndunderstand what the students needs are will help in preventing students from getting to the point of making poor decisions. 

Understanding what causes attrition among our students helps us intevene and assist them so they can continue in our schools and achieve their goals. 

Learning what strategies to implement to reach and accomodate students is very important. 

Knowing this information is critical as many of these regulations impact the calls and emails we send out daily. 

Its important that information is accurate and follows what is posted about your school. Make sure not to talk about any specific competitors. 

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