Deirdre Parker Jackson

Deirdre Parker Jackson

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Companies check websites to look for potential employees.  Some people have lost opportunities for jobs because of negative information on their profile pages.  The internet is an excellent tool to brand oneself.

Making sure that the cover letter matches the resume is critical.  Making sure to remain positive and keep eye contact is critical during the interview.

The 5 keys to success are valuable.  I will make sure to remind students to respond to area of weakness questions as areas that they need to improve.

I found the Do's and Don't list valuable for including in lessons with students.  Also, I will remind students to NOT list jobs that do not relate to the job that they are pursuing.

The cover letter can make or break the resume; therefore, students should take writing the cover letter just as seriously as typing the resume.

One item that resonated with me empowering students to brand themselves including using Email signatures to market themselves,.

Effective  instructional practices that are consistent with the nurturing model are prohect based learning opportunities where students receive opportunities to engage in relationship building in teamwork to complete tasks, and providing rubrics where team members can access themselves and their team members as well as receive feedback from the instructor.

Take time to understand each individual student's likes/dislikes, preferences/non-preferences.

Some definitions of soft skills that need to be clarified are perseverance and character.  There are so many definitions of character that there needs to be specification of which traits to focus on for the soft skill.  Wth perseverance, there needs to be a specified way to measure the soft skill based on specified criteria.

Beginning with the WHY is important to make sure students and adults understand the purpose of softskills and the role that the soft skills play in helping them be more productive in teh workforce and classroom.

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