Cynthia Torres

Cynthia Torres

About me


I have them download an app called Socrative. I build practice quizzes made from key terms which they will see on a test. It lets me see how well each student is doing on the questions all at the same time. I can use it to assess how many students missed the same question and go back and review that information with the class as a whole before they take their exam. I can also put them on auto assigned teams and that allows them to collaborate in class with someone they might not normally work with. They really like… >>>

Effective communication may be developed through group projects. When students work together in a team enviornment, it gives them the opportunity to develop professionalism skills. It also provides the opportunity to use critical thinking and communication. There are many aspects to effective communication including active listnening and problem solving. When students complete projects in a group setting it also gives them the opportunity to work on conflict resolution skills and time management.


It depends on the cause as to how to best handle the situation. It is true it can be disruptive if it is not addressed. I will sometimes talk to the student privately and tell them that it's good they are asking questions but to honor everyone's time we need to move forward. I agree with asking the students to write down their questions and leaving a place for question and answer time at the end of class. Then it is good to allow everyone to ask their questions and give each person a chance instead of letting one… >>>

Motivational attitudes demonstrated by the instructor are essential when moving from teacher centered to student centered learning. If the instructor does not introduce and present to restructured curriculum in a positive way, the students, parents and administrators will be less likely to accept the new form of pedagogy the teacher is developing. As we continue to move into a digital age and increased access to technology and knowledge, it is going to be critical that instructors move away from teacher centered to student centered learning. This will also help students move up in the levels of learning that are taking… >>>

If it becomes an issue where it is one student trying to take over the class by asking too many questions, at some point, I do ask that they write their questions down. I let them know that probably the answer will be covered through the lecture and allow time at the end for additional questions. I also encourage them to use the technology they have available to them. Many times, if they ask a question that I know they can find the answer to on their own, I will ask if they have a smart phone. Then I tell… >>>

Discussion Comment

@CRW This is a great concept. I have never considered offering a poor performing student less time, or modifying the activity into smaller steps to complete. I believe I will try this next week in class. I am currently teaching a lecture course onground and have been considering how to expand the flipped classroom concepts. I am noticing students bringing technology into the classroom such as smart phones and laptops. I would like to build activities in which they can access and utilize their technology but keep it student centered learning and helping them stay focused and not get side… >>>

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