carol staup

carol staup

About me


 I know that some of the misrepresentations may be intentional, but perhaps the more dangerous ones are those that are unintentional. The instructor, like myself, that does not deal with admissions and financial aid every day, who may not be knowledgeable of the latest updates and regulations, would be prime examples of those who may unintentional mislead a student. I know it's our responsibility at some level, but the reality is, we don't work with it every day. The responsible answer is:  I don't know, you will need to get in touch with your advisor and ask those questions."  Some… >>>

It is a a quick formative assessment tool to see who understands the concepts being taught. It also stimulates conversation, increasing understanding and retention of material.  It's an app that you put on your phone. You put the questions with the correct answers. There are answer cards you print out that are coded, your phone  reads them and records each students answers.  

Carol Staup

Hi Judy, I realize it's been awhile since you posted, but I am a return instructor and required to complete the course again. I will admit I was a little annoyed once I realized I've already completed this course the first time I was employed as an adjunct. But I have come to realize that there have been several changes since I left....and it was only a year ago. Like you, I'm glad to see that there are more safeguards and protection against dishonest representation.  

Carol Staup

for max knowledge


Discussion Comment

Stress is such a deceiving enemy. A lot of us think that we're not stressed until we begin to have trouble sleeping or find that our eating is way out of control; or we are exhausted all of the time. We go a long time before we begin to figure out that hmmmm...maybe it's stress. So learning the signals and paying attention to our body and trusting our instincts will do well to help us to follow Sharon's good advice. Figure it out...and then eliminate or reduce.

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