Carole Ray

Carole Ray

About me


I feel it is important to know when too much information has been provided to the students at one setting. Stopping and having the students reflect is a good way to allow them to talk about the information amoung themselves. It gives them some control as well.


This module provides insight as to why the different generations are the way they are, it makes sense they would learn differently also. I hope to gain more information to help each of my students to succeed.


I feel I finally understand the importance of not moving too quickly through the information I want to teach; especially while teaching math. It is important to move about the room and check on how everyone is doing with their math problems before moving on to the next section. This is great information!

Students do need to see how each course is part of the big picture in their learning.  In this day of covid, students are not allowed to be in a clinical setting and it is difficult for them to use their knowledge and skills.  Sim labs are great, but not the same as real patient contact.

I learned that it is important for all employees to understand the information in the school's catalog.  Students should always be given clear direction in writing.  All information provided to students should be factual.

I feel it is important to follow the mission statement regarding culture.  Every culture is unique, everyone should fee safe in their classroom.  It is the role of the instructor to set the standard for the inclusion of all cultures.  The instructor should never show favoritism or be judgemental of any student. 

Cooperative learning works well in the lab setting, however, in past experiences, students don't often like to share projects and other assignments.  Gaining their cooperation will take some effort from the instructor for sure.

Building materials to benefit each learning style will be time consuming, though beneficial to students, instructors may not always be compensated for the extra time it will take to accomplish this by their employer.

I find it interesting that students remember the stories I tell them in the classroom.  I've learned to lecture in a story-telling way where the content is being delivered in a story format.

Discussion Comment

I agree, many students come to school very tired and they need to stay involved in class activities.  Role playing with senerioes and group activites work great!


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