Christina Sapusek

Christina Sapusek

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Developing an online class is an ongoing process.  Throughout the course using the ADDIE model, an instructor should use formative and summative evaluations to edit the course.  Also save all the work and realize that technologies will change.  Double check resources and links to make sure links still work.


A teacher must create professional norms in the online course and model them as the administrator.  Encourage a community in the course and small-group and peer reviews will help build relationships in the class and prevent the instructor from having to be the ony source of information and answers to questions.


Plan ahead.  Know the road map and provide a clear map to your students to follow.  Set up your time schedule and be efficient.  Create a word doc with common answers to help you reply to students questions without type the same thing several times.  The more organized you are before the class starts, the easier time managment will be teaching the course.


Time is a limited resource and online teachers must be organized and structured with their time to become an effective online teacher.  Time management includes planning time for email, planning time for conferences and knowing how to use time wisely.  Technology is a big part of online learning.  Being able to help your students with technology and knowing technology well enough to be an effective online teacher is all part of time managment as an online teacher.


Failure to plan is a plan for failure.  The biggest new take out from this lesson is outlining how the 7 Principles for an Instructor can be swtiched to the students perspective for success.  Set timeline and parameters for students, encourage them to be engaged learned and make them understanding you have high expectations for them because you are helping them work towards their life goals!



This lesson talks about the various types of technologies and how to pick in both sychronous and asychronous learning environments.  It is important to assess student basic technology usage at the beginning of the course.  A good point is to know that not all technology tools are free and some may not last, so be sure to keep up on the best technology options for your online course.


Clear, professional and appropriate communicate is criticial for the instructor and for the students to learn and have modeled.  Instructors much build a trustworthy online environment to allow stduents to feel safe and trusted to particiapate and collaborate in their online course community.


This lesson focuses on learning styles of the students and assessing preparedness to take an online course.  It suggests that teachers and students both assess their skill set for an online course.  Students should be provided with feedback to help strengthen areas of weakness for online learning.  Just like in a F2F class, have a confidential manner for students to communicate an learning disabilities and meet their needs through the organizations office of special services.


I loved the thought,  moving from a Face 2 Face teacher to an online teacher you are moving from the "Sage on the Stage" to the "Guide on the Side."  Effective online teacher faciliate learning by setting up a Code of Conduct and clear communication guidelines.  The guidelines need to include clear rubrics on communication to be provided before activities.


The online teacher sets to tone for the class and encourages the students students through guidelines of clear communication.  Understand that instructors my outline proper commincation, model proper communication as well as facilitate proper communication with timely feedback.  It is a skill that is to be modeled and taught as part of the course.


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