Courtney Kieslich

Courtney Kieslich

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When you are in a helping relationship, your motivation is strongly influenced by the quality of the relationship. Therefore, it is best to have positive relationship dynamics. Rewarding yourself is beneficial to enhance motivation and keep your goal attainment in line. I will use this information to encourage students to enhance their motivation by rewarding themselves along the way. Something simple like taking a break during a study session to get an ice cream or coffee is helpful. Then I will encourage students to celebrate their success.

Goals are best met when using the SMART goal framework. I plan to use the SMART Goals worksheet for myself and to introduce it to students as a way they can align their goals with their motivation. Incorporating goal visualization is another key to goal achievement. Visualizing the steps to achieve a goal is more likely to get you to your goal rather than just focusing on the end result. Telling students to create a vision board of their goal will allow them to visually see the necessary steps it will take to achieve their goal.

I have learned that different types of motivation can work together and influence each other. Initially the goal might be motivated by external factors but over time the goal may be intrinsically motivated. I think it is important for students to understand they can enjoy and value their goals. I will use the motivation worksheet as a guide and starting point to help students better understand what motivates them so they can stay committed to their goals.

Not all goals serve the same purpose. Additionally, not all goals will require the same focus or action to be accomplished. The purpose of the goal will effect the path to achieving the goal. It is important to set challenging but not overwhelming goals. Learners can set their goals by accessing their skill level and breaking down long term goals, 

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