Chemo Faustino

Chemo FaustinoCHEP

About me

Use to be a student at the same school I am now teaching at, and truly love what I am doing.

Thanks to Dr. Royer!

Studying for a 3rd certification.


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I also enjoyed this course, because I truly need to practice what I preach.

I am always moving, moving and moving fast. I put in more hours that most here and its of my own doing, tutoring, tutoring and more.  I have to be able to say No more often.  I also enjoyed the varoius strategies which I am implementing today.


Chemo Faustino-Moraes - A/K/A Ms.Mo

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Loved your comment, everyone says I'm always moving; and moving fast. My to do list as outlined in the course is where I am going to start and then learn how to say "no" that adds stress to my time.

Let's see how we both do in a few months Brandon.


Good Luck!


Chemo Faustino-Moraes = a/k/a Ms. Mo

I for one also enjoyed this course - many of the topics I teach in Student Success but no where is it broken down as detailed as this course. I do provide visual diagrams and teach my students many was to remember; and will continue with more insight gained by this course.

What I gained the most from this course was a sincere and clearer understanding of different reading disabilities and/or language barriers often exhibited in classes.  I have tried a few items during my teaching tenure and with some success, however I am now going to instill the suggestions mentioned in this course material in full force.  I wish I had taken this course two years ago. 

I think all instructors should take time to invest in.  Our students are so diversified now and many with reading disabilities.

And we all know as Insrtructors.... we never give up on any student to… >>>

I absolutely enjoyed this course, because it seems more and more of our younger generation really is struggling in professionalism, writing skills  as well as computer skills. 

I encourage my students to work on team projects ttogether and individually so they get the computer skills in high gear and realize the importance and impact this will have on their career. Writing observations of my new students is quite dismal since many students are extremely weak in their writing.  Perhaps texting and Facebook is a factor - too many short cuts now in how to explain ourselves.

Loved the course; I learned more than… >>>

I just finished the ED114 -Questioning in the classroom, and again I was quite excited in what I had learned from this course.  There is phrase that students here everyday from me " Think outside of the box."  I have obtained more ideas how to get my students engaged in this same concept by learning how to ask the questions and makng sure I can get a clearer understanding of which students are comprehending and which are not.  Truly enjoyed this. For now, ths is my favorite course thus far. 

Highly recommend the teachers/instructors that need to really understand the… >>>

For being a rather 2 instructor of almost 4 years compared to the great colleagues I work along side with more experience, I can still foresee that there is always...something else to learn.

I am discovering in the last few modes at our school that more and more of our students are in a variety of age groups so mastering and/or understanding how to create your questions in a classroom is so itegral. I also appreciated the probiing techique, praising, etc. 

Sometimes it just takes a few moments after class to praise a student and can make such a huge… >>>

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Please excuse the typos - doing three things at once. Take care

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I also enjoyed this class. I particular getting the proper labeling of intrinisic and extrinsic, never thought of the students in the manner.  I am known for getting my students engaged, and love being creative, thinkng outside of the box; however i really did attain an additional understanding on those that do and don't - and the importance of in some cases rewarding more than others.   I also said they same thing -this makes sense now.

Have you applied any of these steps?

Chemo Faustino

WOW! This course was truly enlightening and exciting.  From incredible edible cell practice, the dot game, bingo and more. I was quite excited and ready to implement some of these great ideas to get my students engaged.

I have created my own Jeopardy in PowerPoint for anatomy classes, medical terminology and even some of our health insurance classes (because we know how exciting health insurance can be?) :) - Any rate, I found it interesting how competitive my students were and how this exercise extremely showed an increased improvement on their finals.

So now, I have more ideas to start… >>>

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