Carmín Deysi Briceño Meza

Carmín Deysi Briceño Meza

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Action Plan: Effective Use of Open and Closed Questions in Class

Enhance student participation and foster deep understanding of content through strategic use of questions.

Best Practices:

  • Review the material and learning objectives before the class.
  • Identify key points that can be addressed through open and closed questions.
  • Begin the class with an open question that stimulates reflection and discussion.
  • Encourage students to share their ideas, opinions, and prior knowledge.
  • Utilize closed questions to clarify concepts or assess factual knowledge.
  • These questions are useful for verifying immediate understanding.
  • Following a closed question, pose an open question that encourages discussion and
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In my opinion, both learning on the job and obtaining certifications or degrees have their merits. Learning on the job provides practical experience, while certifications and degrees offer a structured knowledge base. The effectiveness depends on the individual's goals and the specific field.


Carmín Deysi Briceño Meza

I share your initial perspective on soft skills, but this module has been eye-opening. The idea of making these skills observable and measurable is intriguing. I found the first module engaging and look forward to enhancing our curriculum to help our students acquire these crucial skills.

Carmín Deysi Briceño Meza

What have you learned from this module and how do you intend to apply it?

Today, I have learned about the various types of responses expected from students in the classroom, and I've come to the realization that being aware of the type of response I aim to elicit in each lesson will help me prepare for the appropriate actions to take in response to those possibilities. Equipping myself with the necessary tools and strategies to address these responses and enhance the learning experience has been truly enlightening. It underscores the significance of proactive teaching and the role of educators… >>>

What have you learned from this module and how do you intend to apply it?


The art of formulating questions in the classroom emerges as a fundamental pillar in education. Knowing how to ask questions at the right moment, focusing on the specific topic, and using the right words is a skill that enhances students' understanding, comprehension, and empathy towards the content. Different types of questions, whether open or closed, represent valuable challenges that encourage students to explore, analyze, and engage with the subject matter more deeply and meaningfully. Ultimately, the ability to ask effective questions enriches the educational… >>>

Si bien ambos aspectos son importantes y pueden complementarse en distinta proporción. Creo que la memorización puede ser un primer paso necesario para adquirir conocimientos, pera luego enfocarse en la comprensión y la capacidad de aplicar ese conocimiento para el aprendizaje significativo. En última instancia, el equilibrio entre memorizar y entender puede variar según el contexto educativo y las metas de aprendizaje.

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