Bonnie Coats

Bonnie Coats

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I think an instructor who is phenomenal in a traditional classroom doesn't necessarily guarantee that this instructor will be a successful on-line instructor.  Knowing the subject matter forwards and backwards does not always mean that the instructor can manipulate the different ways that an on-line class is presented.

As the Instructor, you must monitor the participation of all of your students and may have to send personal emails to persuade reluctant students to add to the discussion and, on the other hand, persuade domineering students to reduce their additions to the discussions ,


When engaging with students about their input into the discussions, use words and tones that build confidence instead of cutting a student down.


Revealing a hobby or interest you have outside of the course is one way to build rapport with your students but should never be the center of your discussions regarding the course.


The instructor of an E-Learning course must be very organized and proficient in his subject matter.  The relay of this information to an online student is critical to the student becoming proficient in the material.  Instructions must be specific and easily understood by the student reading the directions and then carrying out the projects, readings, quizzes, etc.


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