Anissa McBreen

Anissa McBreen

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After going through this module, I can see where a lot of my curriculum already has both assessments. I am working with students that have a goal to sit and pass the national RHIT and/or coding exam. I plan on using some of the examples given to strengthen my assessment of learning. I like to implement more formative assessments but also incorporate some timed tests that is similiar to the exam they will take. My goal is to keep the end in mind-pass the exam!

It is important to ensure your curriculum aligns with what your competencies are with accrediation, as well as what the college expects. In addition, I think students need to own the curriculum and understand the madness behind it. At times, I feel my students are just going with the flow and really do not understand why they do what they do or why I make them do something. I also want to incorporate appropriate behaviors that will allow them to be good employees. I teach a dual-credit class right now that we focus a lot on soft skills. I like… >>>

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