Renee Freeman

Renee Freeman

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The school has a responsibility to identify the Responsible Employees.   Social media post that include information about assaults have to be reported to the Title IX coordinator or responsible employee.

Very detailed explanations. School are obligated to report when the have actual knowledge of an incident or assault.

Students cannot be anonymous in distance learning, they must be engaged through the use of discussion boards, lectures, etc. Records protected by FERPA are not subject to HIPPA and the Solomon Amendment supercedes FERPA.  Third party vendors are subject to FERPA.

Best Practices are in place to protect students, maintain integrity of the information.

Releasing info under exceptions very interesting.

This was an interesting chapter.  The FERPA exclusions make complete sense.  It keeps people from over stepping their bounds and protects the student.

This was one of my favorite modules. Discussing the importance of empathy that requires us to meet the needs and expectations of our students.  Empathy involves the human factor and more importantly flexibility. Modify our teaching preferences to include strategies that are acceptable to the students is priceless. Motivation through retention, reinforcement and transference sections were some of the best content that will be very useful in day to day instructions.  It is important to know your content, students, never humiliate, transcend the message, be believable....these are the characteristics of a great teacher!


Working memory stores info and retrieves when needed.

Our students reflect what they see.  Instructor needs to be enthusiastic, confident, have a love for teaching and know the content.

Accomodate the learning need without compromising the knowledge and skill requirement when teaching diverse learners.

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