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Hello everyone,

The resource I would like to share is Mentimeter, a structured platform that helps fostering engagement, connection and the ability to connect with the presenter. I use it in 3 different stages of the class:

1. At the begining of the class as a way of diagnoses, so the students can tell if, after the session, they have made changes in their preconceptions (word clouds or speech bubble).

2. After a key activity, to identifiy the key succes factors of the group performance.

3. At the end, to validate if the session objectives were achieved.

I felt pretty identified with this module because I have had several noisy and disruptive students. Therefore, what I learned from this module was: 1. Set limits (communication via e-mail, list the topcs that may require the teachers response, answer in 24-hours), 2. Make an FAQ document, 3. Send personal emails to the noisy or disruptive ones; 4. Read carefully their bios and try to connect with some of their interests (this also is useful for quiet students).


This module was especially insightful for me. I used to focus my attention on synchronous discussions rather than asynchronous because I felt participants usually are not engaged in those kind of discussions, more over, if the participation is not graded. Based on what I have just learn, I am going to design my courses including more asynchronous discussions taking into consideration these recommendations that I understand as critical: 1. Explain clearly the topic and the instructions; 2. Encourage the participation not only with the teacher but also with each other; 3. Provide feedback on each participation; 4. Summarize the key… >>>

During this module, I have learned that it is important not only to give good first impression but to maintain the authoriy and presence throughout the course and that there are several strategies to do so. I wil try the welcome video to introduce myself and explain the objectives and structure of the course from the begining.


What struck me the most was the need of having the big picture of the course further than our module only. It is critical to understand how the students are exposed to the whole experience and how would it be the best way to fit in that framework.


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