Anthony Goss

Anthony Goss

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A teach out school must give student credit for training that they recieved when the school closes.


In this module I have learn the following:

1.  A full refund is given back to the potential student is they do not start their class.

2.  The effective date in terminating a student related to refund will be the last date of attendance, or written notice from the student.

I have learned the expectation of CSC when comes to the application process.  I understand the application must be mailed to the controller along with the check, and if the cost is over a $1,000.00 the fee can be paid in installments.  The 1st installment must be with the application.  Also, there will be late fees if payments are not paid on time.


I have learned that a Representative has to have a undersrtanding/knowledge of the campus and he/she must provide accurate information regarding their school.  The representative cannot advise students about FA nor discredit other schools.


I also learned that a School Director at a small school must have a good reputation related to the rules of CSC, and management experience.

Students may face many challanges when taking online classes.  The instructor must be aware of those students and be proactive in assistanting the student with issues they face in a timely manner.  Students need to know the resourses they have available to them.

There are disadvantages when using synchronous discussions when teaching a class.  You should always analyze; summarize individual student engagment.  Avoidant students can possibly be overwhelmed by or not intrested in learning the course material.


As an instructor it's important to review know how to navigate through the online system from start to finish.  i.e.  Checking students profine; review attendance, post assignments with or without deadlines; access grades; give feedback.


The ISD offers online activites that gives students the opprotunity to master course material.  The ISD offers online learning and promotes acheivment and learning outcomes.

The importance of allowing students to take quizzes mulitple times giving the chance to score a 100 (ego-booster).  Also; how model answers give students a better understanding of the correct answer by viewing other students answer and reflecting back to the instructors explanation/criteria of the model answer.

Both onground and online learning are basically the same other than face to face contact.  Both teacher and student must communicate effectively for the student to suceed in the class which they are taking.  

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