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Of the 5 Questions for discussion development, I feel relevance is most important to adult learners. From teaching primarily adults, wasting their time with fluff is not received well.
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Important to add related material for those students that want to research further on that subject or use other resources for projects or presentations
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Being an adult learner, I have concerns of being a student that would be successful learning on-line. I am attempted to step out of the box, technology dictates staying ahead of new methods of learning.
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Beneficial for the students. Some students enjoy and excel at research. Others are more comfortable with studying and take a test. Practical testing truly confirms that learning has occured. This will give all types of students the opportunity to be successful.
I have experienced this from class to class in the same day. Murphy's Law - if you think it will be a huge success, always have a plan B.
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The class I am teaching incorporates career building activities such as: references, resume, mock interviews and speeches. I just reviewed the importance of hygiene, presentation of you as a person, neatness of paperwork and behavior. This topic generated more valuable dialog than discussing the references. These skills will always be a part of daily life.
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Dr. Hughey and Dr. Semich, instructors for the Master's program at Robert Morris, taught me how to be a better teacher than I was 10 years ago. I have incorporated many of their techniques and methods. The results have been 90% successful. I have made changes to my teaching and looking in the mirror, this has been beneficial to the students and myself. A work in progress but better than I was and still learning.
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Wines 1 course, I had a variety of ages and my concern for the non traditional students were they would not answer what they were smelling or tasting in the glass for fear of being wrong, lack of confidence, (being out of school for 10 or 18 + years)and/or new situation. My catch phrase was "It is your face, no one is wrong". many factors dictate what you are experiencing: breakfast, lunch, smoker, non smoker, cold etc. The result: more people participated.
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When a student hears an instructor make a mistake and the ability to blush, giggle or a hearty laugh it does foster the human side and I think students will respond better and feel more comfortable in approaching that instructor.
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I take this subject very personally. I am a hearing impaired person. During the Culinary Supervision and or Law class; this is when I introduce the subject of reasonable accomadations to the class using myself. I think why I am successful with explaining this is I use humor. 99% of the time I have at least 5 -8 students stay after class and ask me questions about my disability. The goal is for the students to look at the next deaf person they see and be more positive.

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