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Lots of great resources for massage and bodywork. I would like to look them up for my next CEUs

Rubik is so great but can be very intimidating to create the descriptors for each level that makes sense to the objectives we are teaching

Using the verb to help guide how I want to assess them is the great way to come up with a lot of ideas

I intend to apply Bloom's taxonomy hierarchy to my body work courses in many ways. I will clarify the objectives and outcomes, and I will make sure to pretest and intermittently post-test what I just taught. I would also create mini-lessons for what I'm teaching so I won't be talking for one hour; I should be talking for only 15 minutes and allowing the students to practice more.

encouraging my instructors to use art for teaching kinesiology

I plan to create a more comprehensive rubric for assignments, and give this to the students at the time of assignment so they will know exactly what is expected.


At the beginning of each term, I like to show the students the rubric so they can understand the grades they receive from the instructors. It also shows them how to receive better grades if they follow the rubric.

Breaking down SOAP notes and making the student understand the importance of what each section means.  Understanding that when they are in the clinic, they are being evaluated on what they learned during their time in school.

For some students, the science portion of class can be overwhelming at times.  By creating projects, the students would be more engaged and could have a better understanding of kinesiology.

Is anyone using Moodle or Blackboard - the mentioned LMS's? I'd love to pick your brain offline and see how it's being implemented in massage realms. Thanks

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