How can I create an inviting learning environment?
Frank Barcellos View Profile
Maria  Acosta Estrada
Use different teaching styles
Mary Saleff
Inviting learning environment, use different methods of teaching/learning. Our rooms are solid white walls & we cannot hang anything! I think I would like to tape up posters on the walls before class. We do have a large White Board for Power points & ?.... Even in the Education Department....solid white walls!
Jasmine Teba
Giving your students the opportunity to create their own culture and rules fostered mutual respect and positivity within your class. Great idea!
Marcy Raynes
Awesome perspective. Love having the students collaborate with you regarding how their education should happen.
Cynthia Terrell
Having the students set the rules, can create a positive and respectful learning environment. Encourages the students to take their course work seriously ad strives to succeed.
Mary Jo Wentzel
"Give students a say in the roll of the student & instructor." "Students came up with rules and culture." "Allow individuality to solve problems." "Have students discover the why." Frank, you are so wise!
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