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A Student's Learning Style

It is very important for the instructor to know how to best reach their student academically to ensure the student is grasping the concept.  There are various types of learners, such as auditory, visual, and kinesthetic.  The instructor can give a short learning style test to determine a student's learning style so that when teaching/tutoring is taking place, the student gets it because the instructor is teaching to how the student best learns.  If you Google learning style tests, hundreds of web sites will pop up and free tests can be obtained to give to students.  Most learners are visual learners; however it is best to test your students to determine their learning style.


Something that our staff is not yet strong in doing is adapting to the "new learner".  Students today need a different approach than many of the teachers had when they went to school.  I am interested in not only addressing the individual learning styles but to show instructors how to apporach the different generations as they all learn differently.  We currently teach a couple of the "Greatest Generation", "Baby Boomers", "Millinium Babies", Gen X,  Gen Y.  A course on this would be very exciting and informative.



Dr. sandy Gecewicz

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