Sandy Gecewicz

Sandy Gecewicz

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John, As I watched the video I was most impressed with two things: 1. the standardization of forms to be used across the country and 2. the on line PD.  Our staff is curently engaged in the online professaional development you discussed in conjunction with MaxKnowldge.  It is highly successful and makes a real difference in teacher classroom interaction with students and how they deliver the curriculum.  It is great to know that what our teachers are learning comes from research that is very solid and that their colleagues across the coutnry may be learning the very same things.

Thanks… >>>

Something that our staff is not yet strong in doing is adapting to the "new learner".  Students today need a different approach than many of the teachers had when they went to school.  I am interested in not only addressing the individual learning styles but to show instructors how to apporach the different generations as they all learn differently.  We currently teach a couple of the "Greatest Generation", "Baby Boomers", "Millinium Babies", Gen X,  Gen Y.  A course on this would be very exciting and informative.



Dr. sandy Gecewicz

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