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Keeping the Class on Their Toes!

You must use visual learning tactics to keep your class interested and have them retain what you are teaching. By using this way of teaching you are able to understand the needs of your students


While I generally agree, keep in mind that not all students respond in the same way.  When teaching students (particularly adults), some do prefer listening and some want hands-on activities.  I like to "mix-it-up" and provide a number of ways for students to learn.  In this manner, students will also be expose to alternative ways to receive information. 

I agee visual methods are essential in teaching . I have found out that videos on the topic you are teaching assist in a aid to entice the student learning .

Videos, slides, and media articles help out alot in my classes.

Visual Learning is very common with some of my students. So, I agree that slides, posters and videos help maintain and retain alot of minds.

I agree!


What I would do for my students that wanted extra credit; I would give them a project to do different from the class only if they proved to me that they are trying to get their grades up, but if they keep missing classes and not doing their homework then I am going to give them a 0. You have to prove to yourself that the effort is worth it if not dont be wasting our time.

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