cedric mcleod

cedric mcleod

Location: fayetteville, nc


student retention / teaching methods




I learned alot reading blogs it really gave me incite on new teaching methods .

What strategies are Instructors using for student Retention ?

Meeting the student demands can be challenging but self rewarding wihen sucessful.  A Instructor must be diverse in the way they teach in order to form a postiive learning relationship with students .

In order to reach todays students a teahcer must diverse in there teaching methods.  Alot of instructor love giving power point presentation to get there material across ,however must student are kinesthetic learners.  Been able to enage the student in active participation is the key for a sucessful student to teacher relationship. 

I agee visual methods are essential in teaching . I have found out that videos on the topic you are teaching assist in a aid to entice the student learning .

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