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Taking This Course

I will be honest, at first the thought of having to sit down at my computer and take a self-improvement course made me an unhappy camper.  After going through this course I feel like I really gained something to add to my teaching arsenal.  As a fairly new instructor it may me feel good knowing that there are certain things that I am definitely doing right, but it also gave me new insight on how to further better my teaching style.  It really made me think hard about how I could do better and what I am currently doing (either right or wrong).  The only thing I think that could have been a little better is sitting in the actual course with some of those Harvard guys.  Very dynamic speakers and have a lot of good information and strategies to share.  It would have been a little more interesting than sitting at my home computer and reading things to myself in my free-time.  Overall a fairly decent course though.  Not bad at all.  Happy I took the time!

I agree completely.  Overall, the course was not bad and actually somewhat helpful and answered some of the questions that I had been tossing around.  I like the fact that you can go at your own pace.  I also agree about the "Harvard guys" -   I particularly liked Professor DeLong's presentations - he seems to teach with somewhat of a dramatic flair, seems like it would be fun to sit in on his classes.

I feel the same way! Who wants to sit through another training course after all the in-services and everything else. But I really feel I benefited from this. Crazy thing is, it's all stuff I've heard before, but the format on how it's being presented really hit me in a totally different way. I guess I learned about my learning styles too!

I agree with you all. On top of my teaching position I am in school full time and I was told I had to complete 6 of these modules! I am a new teacher and as much as I have on my plate with trying to figure out which way is up, I appreciate the help I've received in disguise with these modules.  Now I have something to refer back to and use as I build my experience.

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