I like technology, at least I say I do, until someone wants me to use it in place of actually teaching material that I believe needs more of the personal touch. Technology in the classroom can be a huge hit or a total flop. It can hinge on the person using it and why they are using it. Our school went to the iPad and Apple TV and sometimes I love it and sometimes if I could throw it out the window, I would. I have a love/hate relationship at times with the iPad. I realize that technology in the classroom is the 'future', but honestly sometimes it can be more isolating to a student than having a learning disability. Whenever a new type of technology is introduced into a class, training the instructor is paramount. Please do not have the school's IT person tell instructors that their students can teach them what knowlege they are lacking with regard to the technology that is being made part of their curriculum with or without your support. This has severly put a damper on certain instructors' mindsets on having this type of technology in their classrooms.