I submit that learning styles are moot when the student already possesses the ability to grasp the information. Those students are already cognizant of their respective learning styles and are able to make their necessary adjustments so as to achieve success; irrespective of how the information is presented.
I further submit that responsiveness to different learning styles can assist in restructuring your presentations to accommodate variations in reception.
All students are not adept scholars. Some have limited vocabularies. Some are more attuned to the written word than the verbal. Some have attention deficits. Some do not know how to take notes. Some lack the ability to self edit, etc. For these students, emanating passion and the joy of sharing will result of a positive experience, but not in the acquisition of knowledge.
For example, you can teach a math class with energy and passion but if you forget that your students learn at different rates for a variety of reasons, a uniform level of learning will not take place. Do all of your students receive the same grade? Do they all receive passing grades?
My employer also never inquired about my learning style. As an instructor and as a work supervisor, I find that taking the time to consider my students and subordinates as individuals and make assessments regarding their learning styles is rewarding to them and to me. My boss did not inquire, but I do.
Hopefully, my students and subordinates will someday be in the position to do the same. It brings great satisfaction to support a poor student into becoming a scholar.
Walter Clement