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In currently working with staff who have been in the industry for 20-30+ years, it has been somewhat of a transition to get them in to the thinking of leading with emotional intelligence and giving students attention. It feels like the former way of enacting the 3M's was holding students accountable because they're "supposed to be there," and "supposed to be working towards their goals." If we've learned nothing else over the years about human nature, it's that positive reinforcement breeds results. I think this module was a great overview of the best practices for all staff to use and empower our students to succeed. Students watch what we do more than anything, so if they see us staying positive amidst chaos, achieving our goals, and supporting them individually with positive remarks and healthy feedback, then they will more likely want to continue their journey. When they hear of our personal successes and see what we can do, starting in the same place as they did, it encourages them to keep learning and growing. I've found that even down to the receptionist level, it's important for them to engage students in their learning and support them by asking how they're doing or initiating that call for being absent. If the entirety of the staff are focused on the same goal and mission, then our students are more likely to stay and to succeed. 

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