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Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.


why were your administrator chosen as administrator of the year 

Administrator, awarded, employee of the year

Why do you think this administrator was awarded the employee of the year?



How can I become the better Admission director at my institution


 Many school try to be compliance but they is always something wrong , How to be 100% compliance for CIE?

Importance of understanding your institutions policies & procedures

I have many students who come to our institution very upset with the how they felt pressured to enroll at another school. They don't understand their contract nor do they understand the refund policy of the institute they are enrolled in. I take extra time and attention to avoid this at my institution. It's very important that these students understand the terms of their contract, their schedule requirements and what exactly they will be taught. Take the extra time to help these students. 

Enjoyed Module

I enjoyed this module as it refreshed my memory on a lot of important information. 


It's great to go through different scenarios because when people have unique situations, It'll improve your knowledge to better equip you for the next scenario. With many students living different life experiences, unique and out of this world situations are bound to show up, and It's best to be ready for those times.

Misleading Advertising

Should not use superatives!


What are the actual credentials needed to be a student councelor?


its every impoart

love this course

This course was very helpful and helped me improve my skills.


Admission Staff Training

The admission process is a legal exercise which is critical to the functioning of the institution. It is important that employees have knowledge of the admission process at the institution

Organization and filing of information

It is very important to mention that every institution must keep track of the files of each potential student. In this sense, the applicant's forms must be counted, which must have all the student's information and must be clarified at the beginning. about your rights and responsibilities, terms and conditions, everything related to the payment of tuition and fees, and repayment of loans if any.


The CIE is an entity whose purpose is that all admission agents guarantee or provide future students with clear and precise information about the admission process in the institutions.


At the same time, it provides precise information on the regulations that should be considered in advertising in this case if it meets the requirements of the Florida Independent Education Commission, as well as the guidelines of its accrediting agency.



Marketing y Publicidad.

Aprendió de la importancia de la publicidad y los anuncios de nuestra institución nos ayudan para promocionarnos y darnos a conocer con nuestros posibles estudiantes. 

striving for success

schools should ask for student feedback on administrators/admissions reps/staff to properly see what the schools forte is and their weakness is to change and  becaome better as a school


completing admissions

admissions how do you feel about helping with financial aid?

Making as refrence notebook???

Why do you think this notebook is so important? 


For me it would be important so i can always go back to it. I write everythign down and always refer back. 

Schools Welcoming Admissions Reps

Is it difficult to gain access to specific teacher in FL?