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Debbie McClendon

It is very important to understand the rules , reglations  and consequences in every area of traning. 

The changing landscape of online classes and electronic records adds several additional layers of complexity to how we need to safeguard student data. 

Debbie McClendon

Some new every years stands out in the training.

Debbie McClendon

By taking the exams yearly keeps my mind alert in all areas of admin.

Debbie McClendon

Great Continuing education information.


If you do not know something ask and not assume you know. Treat each student with respect.

An Admissions representative is not the appropriate person to be discussing disability issues or reasonable accommodations with a student. If a student has questions on this the admissions representative needs to send the student to someone who can give the answers the student seeks.

Please remember that  this can be said "if anyone planning to attend has a disability and will need some accommodation in order to fully participate in these activities, please contact _______."

My responsibility is to protect students' private information.

The meanings of consent. What it is and what it's not.

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