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Engaging the Online Student Who Has Never Engaged

In a university with no entrance requirements I often run into students who seem to have no understanding of how an online course works.  They can be hard to bring into the classroom.  They don't seem to know to read my announcements, to attend live chats, or to check their emails.  How to reach them?

we have to find what is there interest and branch off or relate our subject to that

They might be more into receiving a text reminder or you can tell them to set up a reminder for themselves.

At the online school that I teach at, they give us cell phones so we are able to call them if we don't see the student engaged within the first week. From there, the student tends to be more engaging after a "crash" lesson is given on the reality of online learning.

Trying to movtivate a student who does not engage is difficult but doable. What I find most useful is figuring out what makes the student a student. Finding out why a student is attending school and using that information to keep students motivated is usually helpful in getting students refocused on their overall goals, which includes succeeding in school.

I feel when you engage a student about their personal goals and interests and show genuine interest in that person as a human being and not a number in the class this works to help keep them focused in the classroom.

I also feel that these types of schools should have a intro course that students should take to have them stay focused and know how to manage the online learning system so they can hit all of those key areas and also stay on top of annonucements, emails, etc from instructors.

These students do need much attention and guidance to navigate the course. I really find I take a lot of time with them and do many "join me " sessions online to see where the snag is. They are very grateful for the time and patience we show them. Everyone is in different knowledge levels on every subject. When I ask thesse students what they do for a living, they are extremely knowledgable in their work and it may be something I have never done before and they get a chance to "teach" me a thing or two! It is a good avenue to open the doors of communication with them.

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