Lois Roskoski

Lois Roskoski

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I have tried introducing active learning concepts into my classes, but without great success so far.  I teach a basic composition course with many low performing students who are reluctant to put themselves out there.  ENGL 113 may help.


It is also interesting to compare standard practices to the particular student population I teach.  For example, what modifications are necessary in a university with out admission requirements beyond a high school or GED diploma versus a university with additional admissions requirements.

In a university with no entrance requirements I often run into students who seem to have no understanding of how an online course works.  They can be hard to bring into the classroom.  They don't seem to know to read my announcements, to attend live chats, or to check their emails.  How to reach them?

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I just finished revising a course, but wish I had completed EL103 before doing so.  It would have made the job much easier.

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