Lidan Zhou

Lidan Zhou

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I feel teaching online course is harder than in-person. We have to keep the students engaged in the content and be respectful to others in the virtual class. There is fewer discrutpion if teacher and students built a relationship. It's more challenging to build relationship in virtual class. 

Using both synchronize and asynchronize discussion in the course can keep the participants actively. In our school, teachers encourage students use the flip grip to post their discussion. This way is to make the discussion personal, active and fun. 

I think giving live meeting everyday is a good way to project presence. Have an office hour and you will be "live" streaming during that time. Students can get online talk to you. Constantly provide written feedback to students or recorded voice feedback are good way to project prensence too.

I found interesting about the first module is the structure of the online course. I need to figure out how to bridge the gap between in person engineering class and virtual engineering class. We can use any tools and materials to build projects when we are in person. An instructor needs to modify the project with materials that sutdents can find at home. Therefore the virtual engineering class is still fun and engaging. 

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