Zachary Collier

Zachary Collier

About me


I have the same issue as well but also find that very helpful for the class.  Often time the student is sort of twiddling on there fingers trying to figure out next what to do and for awhile the student would literally just check out of the classroom.  This is because the student feels there is nothing more to learn especially since all work for the day is completed.  I have expressed to the student to utilize your service by helping your classmates and in return you may feel somewhat rewarded by helping others and also showing a different mindset… >>>

It is very interesting to find out that since I have been teaching for awhile to know that lecturing for more than 20 minutes at one time is considered not a really good teaching style.  I now understand that taking needed breaks by doing something else other than continual lecturing is something that I really have to work on.

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