Wayne Wilkens

Wayne Wilkens

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I learned that not all campus cases are reported to the police though do agree with a full investigation. I believe all instances of sexual misconduct should be reported to the police however, and would encourage so. 

I learned about the importance of the Title IX coordinator and the need for visibility and availability to the students. 

I have been aware of Title IX, but now being on the educator side, the laws behind this have been eye opening and broader than I had previously realized. 

The importance of keeping students motivated, having empathy, and setting clear expectation for the course. 

Engaging the class with personal stories is a method that I have seen used, and brings a practical, real world approach to the topic being discussed. 

I look back at the educators from my past. The classes I enjoyed the most were taught by those who were most engaged and excited about the content. I think it promotes an excitement to learn. 

I appreciate the idea of seeing the class from the student's perspective. As an adult learner, I can understand how life experiences both as a younger individual and now older individual play into how an individual learns. 

Keep segments of lecture short to 10-15 minute increments to facilitate learning. I also think as uncomfortable as it may be, that videotaping a lecture may be a great way to self reflects and make changes to your own teaching style. 

The importance of introductions and being personable. Class expectations should also be discussed during the first class. 

Early preparation is vital to being a successful teacher. 

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