William Haun

William Haun

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Agreed, I used to have the habit of staying static but you constantly have to evolve with the current technology. An updated lesson plan is paramount to student success.

I have encountered a few students who think my responses or critiques to be rude and mean spirited. In fact, the opposite was meant but because they could not see my face or hear my nuances, certain aspects of the post was lost on them. Any advice on how to overcome this online obstace?

What are your thoughts on using social media as a way to interact with student? I have been told we are not allowed to friend our students on FB but many instructors do. Does anyone have thoughts about this?

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Great class, I found the section on disabilities very useful. Cant wait to start implementing some of these new concepts.

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Do instructors still blog? It seems like FB and Twitter would make more sense today. Thoughts?

Hey everyone,

I'm planning on taking a few more training modules, which would you recommend?



The tech world is constantly shifting, what do we decide to go with as online instructors and why?

Hey everyone,

I'm planning on taking a few more training modules, which would you recommend?



I just started online teaching and Ive noticed a trend of being thrown into a class with little experience teaching that specific unit. I stay ahead of the students but how exactly would anyone suggest creating road map or overview at the last minute. Possibly when you are not terribly familiar with the competencies yourself?
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We use the Connect software and when its working, its great. Glitches are frustrating but I hope that with more errors come more solutions.......come more errors......come more solutions....come more, well you get the point.

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