Christopher Roman

Christopher Roman

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I try to show all my students at once what is expected, I demonstrait and go step by step, I let them think for them self on the practical application. I wait and observe them to see if they follow what was taught. I see were they hit a road block on something and try to find out why they did, and show them why it has to be done a certain way. I belive in a good balnce of acedemic and hands on for learning anything. Patience and an open mind is the key!!!
Some people want to rediscover there life and get the experince , but it may never translate to that carrer field. I belive at a certain age some carrers are out of reach.
The information in this course has helped me to understand the significance of generational events and how impactful it is on the way a person will learn and interact with their peers. This is important because in order to have versatility in my teaching, I need to understand the most effective way to teach them. Having an understanding of a student's preference, such as whether they prefer more technological resources or more traditional resources for their learning, will help me ensure that I am setting them up for success in their future careers.

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