Gwendolyn Erwin

Gwendolyn Erwin

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Staying on top of the schedule...accurate record keeping for accountability for both instructor and students is key!


Creating an environment conducive to personal learning is always the challenge.  It seems there's much  similiarity in f2f with those difficult situations as is online.  Finding a place where students feel empowered and invested is the key in both settings.


Interesting concept that learning taking place at the same time is better for one on one...I see the knowledge that every student doesn't need the 1 on 1.  But I do believe every student will excel with some form of personalized space.  Working through how that will look.


It's possible and effective to transfer f2f skills to online.  My  students hear me say "the best teacher is the the best learner."


Meeting the individual needs of the students will be a challenge, not impossible but will require new venues.  Online has developed a new face in educcation and will require that we all participate in the learning process.


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