Gwendolyn Erwin

Gwendolyn Erwin

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Different ages approach change, cuture and tech very differently.  The agreed form of communication to make things least restricted and clear is better in the long run.


Respect of culture is foundational for class instruction and student interaction and participation.


Feedback is very important and allows instructor to assess and make changes as needed.


Considering the venue, teachers need to be flexible as they make words count.  All material must be clear so that little misunderstanding occurs.


In online instruction, you lose the privaledge of non verbal.  Make all content have intent.


Organizing the classroom not matter the venue, is a must.


I love the overlap of whole child learning through a new lens; instructor can set a pace and allow a student to participate in the process.


Utlizilizing multiple feedback options creates a stronger course, beneficial to students and stakeholders together.


When meaningful feedback is attached to learning objectives...learning grows, improves.


Online syllabus must be dynamic!  Not just a copy/paste flat document.  It must provide a way for students to see the course, recognize the resources available and allow for buy-in.


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