William Donovan

William Donovan

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I need to be prepared for the class/lecture to end early and if it does, have some activities or discussions planned to utilize the extra time wisely. Same goes for not getting through the entire lesson plan for the day - need to pick up where I left off the next day and try to manage the class time more effectively. Also keep a journal or notes when this happens so the next time I can be better prepared.

I will certainly keep a notepad handy and my checklist.  I can get off track sometimes and a checklist will assist me in staying on track.

Remember to tell students "what to do" instead of, "how to do it"

I've learned that MOST Disabilities are non-visible, like ADHD etc. Also realized that two people with similar disabilities may require quite different accommodations. Really gets you thinking.

I have learned that animals that only provide comfort or emotional support to their owners are classified as Emotional Support Animals, NOT Service Animals. 

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