Miguel Delgado

Miguel Delgado

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Is important for the instructor to find the best method  for students or adult learners to process the information that is been taught.  By been able to identify what the learner can identify with and what prior experience they may have will bring opportunities for learners to find, direction and how to enhance their learning experience. 

Although the theories presented here continue to diversify and grow in exponation of how learning is applied.  There are all describing just a few simple methods of learning, those that are hands on, those that are didactic, and those that are visual learners.  While there are multiple methods of absorbing information, it is necesary for the presenter of the material to be able to identify the method of information absorbsion from the learner.  In this way the educator can change or modify the method of teaching costumized towards the learner method of learning. 


The purposeful use of past skill to new learning opens the door to discovery of new methods not only of learning, but also in application.  Life experience do bring its own side of learning to any type of proccess.  It is imperative to be able to apply also new learning in order to improve on new experiences and life experience.  


The different stages presented in the 3 theories are simply to me different view of prececption of what as we grow our goals might be.  This achivements can be scored or completed via time set, age goal settings or life goals as we age.  In general are stages that in multiple ways can be use to identify accomplishments by the individual..


The motivation of continuous education as an adult can vary.  This can be initiated by the need for personal achievement or simply by necesity, in regards to forward a career or income.


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