Veronica Onofre

Veronica Onofre

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The challanges that face some online students are some of the same challanges that would face a ground student, with the exception of technical chanllanges. 

Most learners do not have only one method of learning. So as an instructor, I must be able to identify those methods and address them if needed. 

My take away is the fact that students need more understanding of the boundries associated with contact with the instructor. And we as instructors need to make sure those boundries by means of office hours or emails are clearly stated. 

I have learned that online students require technical guidance for any software or hardware issues. This skilll I take for granted because of the fact that I have been using a computer daily for almost 26 years. So what seems logical to me would not be to someone who does not have expirience with basic navigation of a computer. To sum up it would be like telling some one to drive to New York but have never even been in a car. 

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