Veronica Monsegur

Veronica Monsegur

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I really liked the idea of using 'Use It Wise' cards as a strategy for dealing with challenging students. I think it’s a great way to give students a chance to reflect on their behavior and redirect their energy in a positive way. I plan to create my own version of these cards and use them when a student seems disengaged or disruptive. I’d love to hear how others have successfully implemented this strategy in their classrooms or if there are any tips for introducing it effectively!

From this module, I learned how important it is to set clear expectations and create a positive classroom environment. The sections on requirements and expectations and handling late assignments gave me practical strategies to keep things organized.

I also found the focus on instructional delivery helpful for engaging different learning styles. Moving forward, I plan to create a detailed syllabus to outline what’s expected and develop better strategies for addressing late assignments.

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