Sherry Toman

Sherry Toman

Location: california

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How many have tried the web based interaction with student to give that human touch and see a positive response and improved retention outcomes?

Versus sticking to the chat, discussion post, emails, etc .. for relationship building

Discussion Comment

I agree... the online human touch is possible and very necessary otherwise their 'online' experience appears cold, distant and no connection. What have you found to be the best ways to creat this online human touch?


We use google voice in a number of different areas of the school, admission, financial aid, student services and career services. I love that it allows the school to reach out via verbally and text and we change the area code so that the students feel more connected that someone from their area is reaching out to contact them versus 800#


I am looking for come suggestion on what you feel are activites that would motivate and help an online instructor engage with their online students at a deeper level? I see some instructors simply think responding to the discussion post is sufficient. What else could we as an education provide do to connect better?

Huma I agree. I see the impact when our online staff takes the time to mentor a student who is in struggling .. and the response  is amazing

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